Funny Camping Cartoons by W Hamond

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Shirin T.
May 19, 2021 rated it really liked it
Muddle School by Dave Whamond is a funny graphic book about self-doubt, David has to start in a new town in a new school called Muddle, but things didn't want to change for him. Be out of town for camping and have a crush on Lisa make everything harder.
David and his smart friend Chad decide to build a time travel machine to start all again, be a cool guy and stand up the butcher kids. But, is this be enough?

"Courage isn't about having no fear. It's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway"


Muddle School by Dave Whamond is a funny graphic book about self-doubt, David has to start in a new town in a new school called Muddle, but things didn't want to change for him. Be out of town for camping and have a crush on Lisa make everything harder.
David and his smart friend Chad decide to build a time travel machine to start all again, be a cool guy and stand up the butcher kids. But, is this be enough?

"Courage isn't about having no fear. It's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway"

Thanks to Kids Can Press and NetGalley for giving me the chance to read Muddle School by Dave Whamond in exchange for an honest review.

Jun 03, 2021 rated it it was ok

let me tell u, i think i finally understood that middle grade is definitely not for me lmaoo. i can never enjoy them to the fullest bc i just find them too cringy or childish (ofc, bc it's a middle grade innit).
i thought i was gonna give it a try but *sigh*... it's just too cringy man, eyeroll after eyeroll for me.
i'm not gonna lie, i still found some parts where i found the protagonist funny or at times a bit cute, but it just still didn't work out for me. i suppose whoever loves middle gr


let me tell u, i think i finally understood that middle grade is definitely not for me lmaoo. i can never enjoy them to the fullest bc i just find them too cringy or childish (ofc, bc it's a middle grade innit).
i thought i was gonna give it a try but *sigh*... it's just too cringy man, eyeroll after eyeroll for me.
i'm not gonna lie, i still found some parts where i found the protagonist funny or at times a bit cute, but it just still didn't work out for me. i suppose whoever loves middle grades would enjoy this one, but Dave's story was definitely not for me :/

David Gibson
The Short Version: A cute comic about the difficulty kids have fitting in, that's hampered by a weak plot, extended set up, and doesn't really deliver on the description.

The Long Version: Muddle school is a comic about a young kid, Dave, who's the new kid at school. He's weird and awkward and things don't exactly go swimmingly for him adjusting to his new school so he uses his friends time machine to go back and change things.

So this graphic novel has several good things going for it. The artwor

The Short Version: A cute comic about the difficulty kids have fitting in, that's hampered by a weak plot, extended set up, and doesn't really deliver on the description.

The Long Version: Muddle school is a comic about a young kid, Dave, who's the new kid at school. He's weird and awkward and things don't exactly go swimmingly for him adjusting to his new school so he uses his friends time machine to go back and change things.

So this graphic novel has several good things going for it. The artwork is solid, the humor will resonate with kids, and there's a great message about how universal the fear of fitting in is and how when you can overcome that fear good things often happen.

Ultimately though, this falls flat. The blurb describes the time travel element like it's a central premise to the story. Problem is that the graphic novel is 150 pages long and the time travel element comes in around page 90. What precedes it is a series of unfortunate events that belabors the whole "I don't fit in!" "Life is so hard!" schtick. It's way too much set up and exposition. On top of that, the time travel element isn't really explored, not to mention the way it's handled doesn't make any logical sense (can't elaborate without spoilers :(. It's really just an afterthought thrown in to entice readers. There's really not any coherent plot here, which is a shame because with a good plot this could have been great.

Overall a 2.5 out of 5. It's got a good message, and has humor I'm sure children will enjoy, but the story isn't well constructed. It's a good idea but the graphic novel just feels like mostly filler.

Component Ratings
Idea/Concept: 3.5 out of 5
Artwork: 4 out of 5
Layout: 4 out of 5
Characters: 2 out of 5
Character development: 4 out of 5
Plot: 1 out of 5
Humor: 3 out of 5
Dialogue: 3 out of 5
Pacing: 0 out of 5
Ending: 2 out of 5

Apr 18, 2021 rated it really liked it
This is a cute, stupid, funny book about first days at new school, and how cool it would be if you could erase it all, by going back in time.

Just think of all the awkward things you could have avoided.

Dave wishes he could have a do over, and then it appears he has, and finds the courage to face the bullies.

It is stupid funny. It is cute, and it has the message about how to deal with bullies, sort of.

The author says some of the things he based on his own time at middle school, though I doubt he

This is a cute, stupid, funny book about first days at new school, and how cool it would be if you could erase it all, by going back in time.

Just think of all the awkward things you could have avoided.

Dave wishes he could have a do over, and then it appears he has, and finds the courage to face the bullies.

It is stupid funny. It is cute, and it has the message about how to deal with bullies, sort of.

The author says some of the things he based on his own time at middle school, though I doubt he had a time machine.

Thanks to Edelweiss for making this book available for an honest review.

Ms. Yingling
E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Dave starts middle school wearing his father's vintage powder blue leisure suit and is surprised when things don't go well. Everything that can go wrong does, from bullies to embarrassing himself in front of his crush. When he and a friend work on a time machine, can he go back and replay his life in his new school, getting everything right this time?
Strengths: I am always a fan of time travel, and I would certainly like to go back to the first day of my own middl

E ARC provided by Edelweiss Plus

Dave starts middle school wearing his father's vintage powder blue leisure suit and is surprised when things don't go well. Everything that can go wrong does, from bullies to embarrassing himself in front of his crush. When he and a friend work on a time machine, can he go back and replay his life in his new school, getting everything right this time?
Strengths: I am always a fan of time travel, and I would certainly like to go back to the first day of my own middle school career and live a completely different life, so young readers will appreciate that. This had a vibe similar to those old Seventeen Magazine "Was My Face Red" columns or the Mel Brooks' quote "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die."
Weaknesses: It would have helped to know during which time period this was set. I was quite thrown by the appearance of the leisure suit.
What I really think: I didn't find this funny. It was sort of like Patterson's I, Funny, where it was actually incredibly sad, but played for laughs.

Curious Madra
So basically as someone who doesn't live in a country where it has the "middle school" part, reading this graphic novel still relates to when i was in primary/secondary in regards to fitting in. However since I'm probably not a target audience anymore for this graphic novel, I personally think it would be much better suited for preteens who just recently started middle/secondary school than people in their mid 20s such as yours truly who is long gone from the education game x)

But look it was a

So basically as someone who doesn't live in a country where it has the "middle school" part, reading this graphic novel still relates to when i was in primary/secondary in regards to fitting in. However since I'm probably not a target audience anymore for this graphic novel, I personally think it would be much better suited for preteens who just recently started middle/secondary school than people in their mid 20s such as yours truly who is long gone from the education game x)

But look it was a good enough graphic novel for kids/teenagers to check out!

Nerea Blackthorn
First of all, I want to say thank you to the author Dave Whamond, Kids Can Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Muddle School is a funny and realistic graphic novel about a new kid at high school. It is about the first days of high school, bullying, self-esteem, embarrassing situations, first crushes, and self-doubt.

One of the reasons why I requested this book was because the author represents bullying, and gives it the attention it deserves. Bullying needs to get

First of all, I want to say thank you to the author Dave Whamond, Kids Can Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Muddle School is a funny and realistic graphic novel about a new kid at high school. It is about the first days of high school, bullying, self-esteem, embarrassing situations, first crushes, and self-doubt.

One of the reasons why I requested this book was because the author represents bullying, and gives it the attention it deserves. Bullying needs to get more attention so more people start to understand how painful it is for victims to go through that, to survive that, to still live with that trauma.

I consider that this book should be spreaded more through social media, and schools too.

It is about physical and psychological violence. It is about holding onto the things that makes you feel more comfortable in order to calm yourself, to not to panic, to not to fall. It is about anxiety, pain, sorrow, and how a life can be so messed up because of someone who wants to destroy you.

Dave is an imaginative, creative kid. He loves drawing, and this is what is going to save him, along with his new friends. He holds onto the things that give him comfort. He has a dream, and is afraid of even fulfilling it because he has so many insecurities. He is constantly doubting about himself.

"When I got to school, I kept my head down and interacted with no one. I decided to treat high school like I was in prison."

It's a heartbreaking, sad and distressing way to live.

The author represents also how teachers behave with alumns in class. There is a part in the book when Dave is drawing, and well, he is not paying attention to his teacher, but also there is no excuse to tell him, and to treat him, the way that teacher in the book treats him. He humilliates Dave in front of the entire class This is what teachers mustn't do. They can say this in a very different way, because they do know what they can cause: laughters, humilliation. It can intensify the fear of speaking in public, as our main character has it.

He wants to change his life, to restart it from the very beginning he started at that high school.

It is an interesting book full of truths, and issues that should be noticed more in order to prevent them, and to try to help the victims. It talks about many topics.

The characters are very realistic. Dave's character development is huge, and well written.

The artwork is beautiful, and it melts with the concept of explaining this living Hell that are, for some kids, the start of high school. The details are very artistic and rich.

I loved this book!

«Courage isn't about having no fear. It's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. »

#MuddleSchool #Netgalley

Dinnu Reads Books
I received an e-arc copy of Muddle School through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

At first I didn't exactly like it. It was a bit slow and I was getting this overwhelming vibe that some of the bad stuff happening to the main kid were a bit of his own fault and thus it was difficult to engage with the story. Positivity attracts positivity and changes start from the inside, ultimately those were the messages delivered by the story and they worked pretty well. In the end I found it to be

I received an e-arc copy of Muddle School through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

At first I didn't exactly like it. It was a bit slow and I was getting this overwhelming vibe that some of the bad stuff happening to the main kid were a bit of his own fault and thus it was difficult to engage with the story. Positivity attracts positivity and changes start from the inside, ultimately those were the messages delivered by the story and they worked pretty well. In the end I found it to be a bit messy but overall a quite cute graphic novel!🙂

Lokiess Nyx
Really fun book. It is really funny at times and sometimes just flat.
Nice graphics even though they were a tad bit distracting to me.
The story line seems similar to James Patterson middle school though leads funny.
It was just a book about the infamous middle school and just meant for fun.
I hope you enjoy it.
First of all, a huge thanks to Kids Can Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Muddle School is a funny and realistic graphic novel about a new kid at high school. It is about the first days of high school, bullying, self-esteem, and first crushes. The book brings to attention the challenges of the first days at a new school. I liked how the author brought up the challenges of bullying in schools ,however there are some parts that just seemed flat to me.

Oct 19, 2021 rated it liked it
Muddle school is a graphic novel sharing a story of a new kid in muddle school name Dave.
as he was new in his school, he somehow felt inferior and a victim of bullying and other embarrassing things.

As soon as the story continues i felt somehow relatable. i was like why is it so accurate? starting from the classroom embarrassment to the time travel part, i imagined them all. But it was his outlook. when he tries to broad his vision, he felt less fear.

i'm happy that author focused on this matter

Muddle school is a graphic novel sharing a story of a new kid in muddle school name Dave.
as he was new in his school, he somehow felt inferior and a victim of bullying and other embarrassing things.

As soon as the story continues i felt somehow relatable. i was like why is it so accurate? starting from the classroom embarrassment to the time travel part, i imagined them all. But it was his outlook. when he tries to broad his vision, he felt less fear.

i'm happy that author focused on this matter and wrote about it and spread the awareness.

Thank you Netgalley for an E-ARC!

Apr 15, 2021 marked it as to-read
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
Carolyn Bragg
Aug 26, 2021 rated it really liked it
Dave's dad was transferred, so Dave was starting at a new school. Muddle Middle School.

Walking down the hall, Dave felt defeated and self-conscious, with a generous sprinkling of "nobody likes me." He was not a model student, unless you wanted a listless, bored, homework-less model that disliked being told what to do.

His first day was like many that followed, and slightly worse than he feared. He used drawing (and daydreams) to escape reality, which got him into trouble.

Yet there was one bright

Dave's dad was transferred, so Dave was starting at a new school. Muddle Middle School.

Walking down the hall, Dave felt defeated and self-conscious, with a generous sprinkling of "nobody likes me." He was not a model student, unless you wanted a listless, bored, homework-less model that disliked being told what to do.

His first day was like many that followed, and slightly worse than he feared. He used drawing (and daydreams) to escape reality, which got him into trouble.

Yet there was one bright spot. A girl. Her name isn't important here. The point is that there was still hope for Dave. And that hope sparked to brilliant life, the day he (and his science fair partner) created a time machine!

The book is ultimately about the transformation of the attitudes of everyone in the school! ...Or was it Dave's time travel that altered HIM?

This entertaining chapter book has some funny and well-done drawings that capture the emotions and moods of the events. However, there are some mild themes that grade-school boys think are hilarious, but girls tend to make a face and walk away. (Not to the extreme of potty humor.)

Despite the drawings, adventures, and message of the book over all--which are very deserving of purchase and gift-giving--I don't plan to buy this book. It's more boy-humor-centered than I prefer. Just my personal opinion.

4/5 Stars

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the chance to preview this ebook!

#MuddleSchool #NetGalley

Diane Hernandez
It's that time of year when shy or "different" children dread going back to school. No one dreads it more than David. David is a quiet artistic kid who was constantly bullied at his old school. Hopefully, this year will be different at his new school, Muddle School, in this humorous children's comic. SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't.

David is quite the character.

"The only time I got close to being tough was when I was in a tricycle gang in kindergarten. I made up my own swear words so I'd never get in t

It's that time of year when shy or "different" children dread going back to school. No one dreads it more than David. David is a quiet artistic kid who was constantly bullied at his old school. Hopefully, this year will be different at his new school, Muddle School, in this humorous children's comic. SPOILER ALERT: It doesn't.

David is quite the character.

"The only time I got close to being tough was when I was in a tricycle gang in kindergarten. I made up my own swear words so I'd never get in trouble. And when I watched TV, I wore my hoodie backward and ate popcorn out of the hood."

But, if this comic is as autobiographical as I suspect it is, David may have the last laugh.

"You need to concentrate on your mathematics. You can't make a living drawing funny little pictures!"—David's math teacher who clearly doesn't know everything.

Muddle School will bring back memories no matter how long you have been out of middle school. It is also empowering for those in middle school right now. Someday things will get better. 4 stars!

Thanks to Kids Can Press and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

Oct 24, 2021 rated it really liked it
Thank you for sending me this book to review via Netgalley. For my first ever book to review via this website it certainly didnt disappoint. This graphic novel was filled with humout and fun and was a really enjoyable read. id recommend it to any age but in particular 9 plus. I felt it was extremly relatable to the experiences, thoughts and emotions a kid feels starting a new school. The books main charcter Dave struggles to fit into his new middle schooland being bullied on the first day doesnt Thank you for sending me this book to review via Netgalley. For my first ever book to review via this website it certainly didnt disappoint. This graphic novel was filled with humout and fun and was a really enjoyable read. id recommend it to any age but in particular 9 plus. I felt it was extremly relatable to the experiences, thoughts and emotions a kid feels starting a new school. The books main charcter Dave struggles to fit into his new middle schooland being bullied on the first day doesnt start him off well. Dave embaresses himself a lot during the novel especially during the snot bubble scene or when he goes camping and his crush Lisa finds out he has been making a collage of her picutre. However, things start to look up for Dave towards the end of novel as he creates a 'time machine'to try and redo over his first 3 months. This time machine is believed by Dave to have worked as he is more popular amongst his peers however it turns out he has actually just hit his head. The ending is quite sad and im not going to spoil it although it does show the massive character change and progression of Dave.

This book is well worth the read

Jul 06, 2021 rated it really liked it
Thank you to NetGalley and Kids Can Press for an advanced electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Dave and his family have just moved to a new town called Muddle, and Dave is terrified to start at Muddle School. It feels like everything is going wrong! When working on a time machine for the science fair, he has a brilliant idea: why not go back to the first day of school and redo everything better?

This was sweet! I originally requested this to read with my homeroom, but un

Thank you to NetGalley and Kids Can Press for an advanced electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

Dave and his family have just moved to a new town called Muddle, and Dave is terrified to start at Muddle School. It feels like everything is going wrong! When working on a time machine for the science fair, he has a brilliant idea: why not go back to the first day of school and redo everything better?

This was sweet! I originally requested this to read with my homeroom, but unfortunately did not get the chance before the school year ended. However, I think they would have loved it! This graphic novel is filled with honest awkward moments that many middle school students can relate to, which is what makes it so great. I also enjoyed that the story itself and Dave's hand-drawn comics were in different styles - very cool.

Kathie Jackson
Dec 06, 2021 rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: age 10+
In the spirit of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," we meet Dave, a super awkward middle schooler who has just switched schools. Being an awkward, outcast of a middle schooler is bad enough, having to start over in a new school just makes life that much more painful. The illustrations and dialog are a funny and spot-on depiction of middle school angst, well meaning but dorky parents, ridiculous teachers, and social pain. The time machine do-over plot device is a great way for the author to illustrate (pun In the spirit of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," we meet Dave, a super awkward middle schooler who has just switched schools. Being an awkward, outcast of a middle schooler is bad enough, having to start over in a new school just makes life that much more painful. The illustrations and dialog are a funny and spot-on depiction of middle school angst, well meaning but dorky parents, ridiculous teachers, and social pain. The time machine do-over plot device is a great way for the author to illustrate (pun intended) *spoiler alert* that how you fare at school is often 99% dependent upon the attitude you show the world! I predict that both boys and girls age 10+ will really enjoy this book, and hope as I do that it is the beginning of a long series. ...more
Kay Stoddart
Like most of the other graphic novels I've read this year, I feel like this is another case of taking the notion of a funny graphic novel for kids too far. The art wasn't that appealing and the colour palette was blue, dull, and a touch depressing (which I suppose can be exactly what middle school is like...). The story was a bit "woe-is-me" in terms of a biographical narrative for me and the nerdy-guy-gets-the-most-beautiful-girl narrative is beyond old.

I give it points for solid, upfront messa

Like most of the other graphic novels I've read this year, I feel like this is another case of taking the notion of a funny graphic novel for kids too far. The art wasn't that appealing and the colour palette was blue, dull, and a touch depressing (which I suppose can be exactly what middle school is like...). The story was a bit "woe-is-me" in terms of a biographical narrative for me and the nerdy-guy-gets-the-most-beautiful-girl narrative is beyond old.

I give it points for solid, upfront messaging. Though I don't agree with the MC's urge to rid himself of everything he deems "weird", I appreciate the straight forward be nice to people and they'll be nice to you. It's a nice change from the standard "everything in school is horrible".

Lively one-coloured comic for the young readers – anyone else will feel the "woe is me there are bullies" shtick is protesting too much. I did think too that the book might suffer for not fixing on one of the usual themes of such comedy dramas – the school camp makes an appearance, but isn't the major thing, and this turns up to potentially take over but doesn't – when lo and behold a quite surprising storyline came to the fore. The issue of the whole do-over, repeat your life concept could well Lively one-coloured comic for the young readers – anyone else will feel the "woe is me there are bullies" shtick is protesting too much. I did think too that the book might suffer for not fixing on one of the usual themes of such comedy dramas – the school camp makes an appearance, but isn't the major thing, and this turns up to potentially take over but doesn't – when lo and behold a quite surprising storyline came to the fore. The issue of the whole do-over, repeat your life concept could well be new to the target audience, and this will hit home as a result, however brash and broad the initial feel was. Three and a half stars from me. ...more
Amanda Sanders
The lesson to be learned from Muddle School is "I was friendly with everyone--and people were friendly back." Dave starts the school year in a blue leisure suit at a new school. His mom got him to wear the suit. She should have been charged with child abuse--then the story would have taken a much different turn. Dave makes a lot of mistakes including falling on people and blowing a snot bubble in front of the class. During the school year he uses a time machine to fix all the mistakes he made. O The lesson to be learned from Muddle School is "I was friendly with everyone--and people were friendly back." Dave starts the school year in a blue leisure suit at a new school. His mom got him to wear the suit. She should have been charged with child abuse--then the story would have taken a much different turn. Dave makes a lot of mistakes including falling on people and blowing a snot bubble in front of the class. During the school year he uses a time machine to fix all the mistakes he made. Or so he thinks. His attitude changes and having a positive attitude gets positive results. I love the humor and the message in this comic book for middle school. ...more
Oct 24, 2021 rated it really liked it
Middle school is rough for many students and this graphic novel covers the topics of moving to a new school, bullies, and fitting in with humor. The main character is based on the author and his own experiences. I enjoyed the little sketches that the main character drew throughout the book. Short and sweet, this would be perfect to give to any students about to start a new school or struggling to fit in.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completel

Middle school is rough for many students and this graphic novel covers the topics of moving to a new school, bullies, and fitting in with humor. The main character is based on the author and his own experiences. I enjoyed the little sketches that the main character drew throughout the book. Short and sweet, this would be perfect to give to any students about to start a new school or struggling to fit in.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Amanda Molloy
Nov 07, 2021 rated it it was amazing
What a fun and lighthearted book. Kids will really relate to the struggles of fitting in. The humor and illustrations will pull in even the most reluctant readers. I can't shake the image of the main character wearing his hoodie backward to use as a popcorn bowl for movies! He's delightfully quirky and unique--and I love that he learns to find his way in Muddle School. Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a free copy for review! I really enjoyed the book and know my upper elementary What a fun and lighthearted book. Kids will really relate to the struggles of fitting in. The humor and illustrations will pull in even the most reluctant readers. I can't shake the image of the main character wearing his hoodie backward to use as a popcorn bowl for movies! He's delightfully quirky and unique--and I love that he learns to find his way in Muddle School. Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a free copy for review! I really enjoyed the book and know my upper elementary and middle school students will too. ...more
Sep 19, 2021 rated it it was amazing
Dave starts a new middle school and things quickly go from awkward to worse in this humorous graphic novel. When he helps his classmate create a time travel device and he mistakenly believes he has gone back in time and had a do-over, he gains confidence and things begin to turn around for him. He stands up to the bullies, wears normal clothes (not his father's old leisure suit his mother insisted he wear on the first day of school), and finds the nerve to talk to the girl he likes.
Pelden Wangchuk
Thank you netgalley and kids can press for an arc.

I loved this cute graphic novels with great meaning. It's all about a new kid in new Muddle school facing with bullies and other challenges. Then something magical happened when he and his friend invent a time machine where he will go back and make everything right. But is time machine really helps ot something else.....?

Thank you netgalley and kids can press for an arc.

I loved this cute graphic novels with great meaning. It's all about a new kid in new Muddle school facing with bullies and other challenges. Then something magical happened when he and his friend invent a time machine where he will go back and make everything right. But is time machine really helps ot something else.....?

Aug 03, 2021 rated it liked it
Hello 'dorkness' my old friend… (best line in the book, IMO) A cartoonist looks back on 'muddle school'. I enjoyed the fun artwork -reminded me a bit of Mike Peters- and I felt it drew a bit from Charlie Brown, a character who was also filled with self doubt and often felt friendless, although he was constantly surrounded by them.
Sep 16, 2021 rated it really liked it
Muddle School by Dave Whamond is a fun and funny graphic novel that is sure to resonate with it's target audience as well as anyone who has survived the middle school years. Whamond's personal experiences had me laughing out loud in places, and his illustrations did a great job of enhancing the story.
Thank you NetGalley for an digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Potterhead Aanya
So, the plot most definitely could have been better, it was a usual story about bullies, and a kid standing up to them, and in the end he wins a leadership award for that, but the way it was presented was quite good, and the bits of pranks in between which the character Dave pulls of on his sister, do add a twist of humor to it, so it was a fun read!
And the illustrations were just lovely!

Thanks to NetGalley for giving me this advanced copy of this book, and my legitimate thanks to the author, for giving me the opportunity to read his book.

Well, so goes the story. He is a boy who is a loner, outcast and unaccepted in his class. However, one event changed him completely, he was another person, another boy, a better student and freer.

The story at first, like many, seemed a bit boring to me. Nevertheless, the last part made me realize that the book was not boring at all, my favor


Thanks to NetGalley for giving me this advanced copy of this book, and my legitimate thanks to the author, for giving me the opportunity to read his book.

Well, so goes the story. He is a boy who is a loner, outcast and unaccepted in his class. However, one event changed him completely, he was another person, another boy, a better student and freer.

The story at first, like many, seemed a bit boring to me. Nevertheless, the last part made me realize that the book was not boring at all, my favorite part was the kiss between him and the girl.


Jan 31, 2022 rated it liked it
3.5 stars. For every kid who has ever been embarrassed at Middle School, Dave has a great idea. Just build a time machine and go back to correct those problems. Doesn't exactly break any new ground, but this one is fun and upbeat. 3.5 stars. For every kid who has ever been embarrassed at Middle School, Dave has a great idea. Just build a time machine and go back to correct those problems. Doesn't exactly break any new ground, but this one is fun and upbeat. ...more
Dec 27, 2021 rated it liked it
Turns out not everything is always as bad at it seems, and eventually things pass and return to normal.
Dave Whamond is an award-winning illustrator and cartoonist whose work has appeared in books, magazines and newspapers.

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